Saturday, August 21, 2021

Laura Prepon Leaves Scientology

Laura Prepon left Scientology...five years?  

This comes as a total surprise to me.  Laura was always a mouthpiece for Scientology.  Things got so bad with the backlash of her playing a gay character on Orange Is the New Black that she almost didn’t make it past the first season.  What made her leave, and why is she talking about it now?

Does it have to do with Danny Masterson and the allegations?  

Back in 2015, she made it onto their rag Celebrity Magazine.  Because Scientology will sue you for everything, I won’t post the cover page here.  You better believe they’d copy-strike me.  It is funny to see her talk glowingly about the stupid space church just six years ago.  After reading some of her remarks from back then, does she feel the whole thing was a waste now?  

Did she pay her free-loaders fee?

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