Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Victoria's Secret Karen: That ain't much of a secret.

If it weren’t for cameras, white women would be getting away with this even more. These Karens are out of control with their entitlement.   Victoria’s Secret Karen goes nuts and tries the crying white girl trick, but it doesn’t work.  The problem I have is the cops come across as cucks in this incident.  You better believe it would be a different story if it were the black woman that attacked the Karen.  You have to give this Karen credit for pulling out all the white girl stops.  She even screeches like a White Walker.  

Here’s where I split the people attacking her.  Don’t go after her job.  Public shame, meme, and mock her.  However, don’t go after her job.  Should there be charges pressed?  Sure, but let’s calm down with the hashtags for the dismissal of her job.  Should she be put in a mental home?  Yep.  

The black woman did the right thing by not stopping the filming.  My only problem with her is the whole GoFundMe thing.  Why?  You made a Karen look bad, so you won.  

As I stated before, this white girl entitlement is troubling and dangerous.  They use the police and crowd to feel sorry for them when it is a person of color, and it can cause people to die.  Karens are very dangerous.  

Honey, you really don’t need to know Victoria’s Secret. 

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