Wednesday, September 02, 2020

The Big Head Issues: Grant Amato Returns?


Guess who is back in the news?  Remember the loser Grant Amato that killed nearly his entire family and he stole and gave 200K to give to a so-so camgirl.  When his brother and mother tried to get him over the chick, he killed them in cold blood and tried to set up his brother as the one responsible.   

He’s trying to get an appeal on his verdict with the jury selection.  After spending a year in prison, I think he believes he doesn’t deserve it.  Keep in mind this guy was the one that threw away a good nursing career and dreamed of being a Twitch streamer for the rest of his life.  I also believe he is having serious withdraw from not watching his camgirl whom he gave nearly 200-250K to.   

This could be interesting.  Anyway, if you want to check out his boring Twitter page or his shitty Twitch site, check them out.  He comes across as rather self-entitled and boring for the most part to have any traction on Twitch.   He had dreams of being a big-time streamer, but he was too boring to make a living out of it.  He was not even Wings of Redemption or DSP bad.  In order to watch his clips, they're buried in his profile, but here you go.  It seems his long-term videoes are gone.  I love the fact Twitch still has his channel still up despite the fact he is a convicted killer.  


Here is a photo of a proud mom and a person that did everything she could to save her son’s life and stop him from going to jail for stealing everyone’s money and things to pay for his camgirl.  In return, he shot her in the back of the head as she drank wine and worked on her computer.  Grant is truly a heartless asshole.   

This is a photo of Grant and his brother in Japan.  His brother Cody paid in full a trip to Japan so that Grant could keep his mind off that camgirl.  What did Grant do in return?  He snuck away stealing credit cards and started to hit up the camgirl behind his brother’s back.  While sneaking into some free wife places, he stole money from a friend while in Japan spent it on the camgirl.    

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