Saturday, September 05, 2020

Even for a pred, he is terrible

As you know, I am a fan of TCAP and I remember talking about the show in its prime.  Yet, there were a lot of predators that faded into the background for me and I’ve been discovering them again recently.  Richard Burnham is one of them.  He was a fire chief and freshly divorced.  (Gee, I wonder why your wife divorced you, Rich?)  He sought the decoy and played up this strange scheme to trick her into having sex with him.  He showed up with his KY Jelly in hand.   

In the video, he is clearly very aggressive, showing that he’s probably done this before.  That makes it sicker.  Just get the long gaze as he waddles over to her as if she is a piece of meat.  I also like that he turns into a wimp when Chris Hansen towers over this ogre.  In my opinion, this guy is a real monster and should never have sex with all.   

Anyway, he received 180 days in prison and a lifetime RSO.  And, he moved to Florida.  Yep, Florida.  If it isn’t NJ, it’s Florida.  The good news is that Florida does publish its Sex Offender records.  However, it seems his RSO photo is out of date.  It looks like Rich has turned from being an ogre to a human/frog hybrid.  Times have not been kind to him.   From what I can tell, he lives in a modified mobile home with a shitty car in front.  Hopefully, he's not hurting anybody.  

He’s more frog than human now.   

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