Friday, May 29, 2020

Spoony, priorities much?

Spoonypriorities much?   

Despite his house being foreclosed, losing his GF, or having his Patreon dip to 340 a month, Spoony is more worked up about Trump threatening to “nationalize” Twitter.  Of all the things to get worked up about, Spoony., get mad they’re refusing to do anything about your madness and alienating your most loyal fans.   
Sorry, I get worked up about this guy because he had it all.  He actually had a job he enjoyed doing, that much is a blessing.  I live with depression too and I work I a job I truly can’t stand being at, but I do it because I have to.  Now, Spoony refuses to even talk on a damn “Let’s Play” as his life swirls around the drain.  Yet, he only gets worked up over Trump tweets.  Sad, so sad.   

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