Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Snyder Cut? To show or not to show?

I really didn’t care too much about the Synder Cut of the Justice League movie, because I felt the BvS movie was an utter mess.  However, after the collective backslash and complaining by the movie press, I am in full support of it.  While I still think Synder is the weaker part of the DC universe, I want this thing released just to piss off the butthurt journos.   
bunch of articles are being released at the same bemoaning a fan base as being entitled, racist or sexist. It is as if these journos are working behind the scenes to create and push a narrative.  Why does this seem familiar?  Oh, it reminds me of that “Gamers are Dead” bullshit.  Hmm.   
Anyway, I enjoyed Man of Steel, but disliked BvS and felt Justice League was a complete but entertaining mess.  Superman finally felt like Superman, but Affleck was sleepwalking through that cut of the movie.  I simply didn't care about the movie version of DC, but now that it pisses off some neck-beard/blue-haired checkmarks, I will see the cut only because some of these stories are nasty and it seems they're trying to start a hashtag movement against them for clicks. 

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