Sunday, April 12, 2020

New Trend for the Pedos

Looks like some of the predators from the newer show Hansen vs. Predators have broken their probation terms and back into court.  I have to give Fast Eddie a shoutout.  A lot of these newer predators seem to be more entitled than the old school TCAP guys.  There is this arrogance that comes from the new batch more than the old guys.  Now, a couple of the newer pedos are getting court dates due to parole violations.   In this new Twitter/social media world, I've noticed the arrogance more so from these newer guys than the old creepy TCAP ones.  Sokol, Colon, and Velez seem to want to normalize their behavior.  
Joshua Colon:  He’s back in jail waiting for his court appearance.   
Jesse Velez:  He seems to be in a bit of trouble.  BTW, it appears he released an apology on FB.  For the lulz, check it out.   
I am guessing Jeff Sokol will probably get rearrested for doing something stupid. For now, he is keeping a low profile.   

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