Friday, April 10, 2020

Nathan Grayson, your white knight armor is showing.

3K words on the Okay Boomer Girl?  Okay, Zoomer.   

She is merely a super-cute girl that does memes.  Men thirst for that and that’s it.  Why even write a full story about the girl?  And, why throw the story up after most people have forgotten about her after the Simp Wars of March?  And, how does defending simping support modern feminism?   
Uh, you have some of the biggest games being released this year?  Why not talk about Nathan Grayson?  Despite his questionable connections during 2014, Grayson is an actually good writer.  This is a waste of your talents, bro.  Leave this for shitty bloggers like I.   I love me some Riley Reid and Skin Diamond, but I won't simp or white knight for them.  

She's cute and she has beta orbiters.  So, what?  

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