Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Rise of the Simps

Rise of the Simps 
From the Urban Dictionary, ((S.uckas I.dolizing M.ediocre P.ussy. Some male who will do anything for a little bit of play from a female. He usually chasing around a female who not even worth the work or time.)) 
I remember the black community started using the Simp term first.  Yeah, I guess the Simps kind of rose out of the White Knights.  Generally, WKs were just fedora-wearing nerds online protecting their “m’ lady”.  Simps seems to appear on the outside.  I know their pale skin will burn in the sunlight, but my lady needs defending.  We used to call them beta orbiters.  It is usually a group of beta males that block other men from talking to her.   
From Urban, ((A woman who is moderately attractive. She leads numerous men on and has a number of them orbiting her like moons around a planet. She keeps them orbiting with subtle hints of sexual flirtation which she considers ‘normal’ the men then live out their life’s on false hopes.)) 
Let’s just split the difference and call them Simp Orbiters.   

 No matter how many actual bullets you take, she still won't sleep with you.  

Oh, lord.  

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