Monday, March 09, 2020

Carlos Maza and his rich background

Being a hypocrite is not an easy job.  I didn’t want to talk about this asshat, but it came out that socialist Maza has come out as an extremely rich kid from a rich family.  He wants to shove his extreme socialist views into the working class.  Like Brianna Wu, Maza has been revealed to be from a rich family.  However, like Wu, he pushes far-left anti-rich views into the Democrat party.  He attempts to “know our pain and struggle, yet never has had to deal with that.  I have to give NY Post a shoutout for revealing this shit.   
While I don’t want to power-level myself, Maza has never had to watch his bank account shrink due to repairs or paying for 100 bucks school books.  His parents had his back and he’s admitted to it.  If you’re going to try to sell the socialist lifestyle, don’t let the spokesman be a trust fund baby like Maza.  I really hate this guy because he burned down YouTube and Twitter and then comes into YouTube trying to make a buck.   
Sorry, Maza, you’ve taken away people’s means of making some money and you want to build your 11-million-dollar house on top of their burnt remains.  Screw you.  Maza is the worst kind of leftist because he will call out moderates like me and call me a race betrayer if I don’t fit into the far-left house.   
Here’s the best part.  From NY Post, Maza said this about James Carville, ((“Dear god can we STOP taking political advice from the ultra-wealthy,” he moaned. “You really have to respect this guy’s grift. Constantly dressing in normal clothes on TV to feign relatability while living like this. Masterful con artist.”)) 

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