Wednesday, December 18, 2019

So, will I see the newest Star Wars movie?

I haven't decided. I didn't bother to watch The Last Jedi in theaters and let it pass without a second thought. I watched that on Online and TV. I am thankful I didn't see it in the theater. The Rise of Skywalker does look interesting, but the numerous re-shoots and rewrites will probably hurt that experience for me. Since the TLJ, I have been turned off from SW. I grew disinterested in SW Resistance. It was not my SW and the Solo movie was boring. I loved The Force Awakens and Rogue One though.
It is kind of funny that both Marvel and DC Comics are doing better than Star Wars which was considered the golden goose. I think under better creative leadership, the franchise could work.
There is more of a focus on representation and SJW ideas than telling a cohesive story.  Yes, we need more minorities and gay people on screen, but let's not skip out on narrative cohesion.   That was the biggest problem with TLJ.  They screwed up the overall narrative so much that it left a mess for JJ to clean up.  And, I sort of liked TLJ on a basic level.  It was poorly written though.  

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