Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Zoe Quinn, lay off the damn social media

Zoe Quinn had a bit of a meltdown on Twitter.   Instead of laying low and doing her f’ing job, she has been hanging out on social media.  Because she had been on Twitter, she is still getting flack for her involvement with Alec Holowka.   
I agree with The Quartering.  Do the trolls need to lay off of her?  Sure, unless she makes another stupid decision or remark about something.  At this point, Zoe just needs to disappear from the Internet for a few years and just work on your comic books and finish that damn 85K unfinished Chuck Tingle videogame.   
I hate you, Zoe, but I will give you some advice.  You have one of the best jobs ever.  You work for DC and Marvel.  You are now a professional writer.  Work on your writing stuff and lay off social media.  Go outside and talk to real people.  Zoe, you need to stay away from Twitter.   For your mental health, stay out of all this shit and work on yourself. 

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