Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Greg “Runaway” Karnos (With a K)

Greg “Runaway” Karnos (With a K)
He's like the reverse Forrest Gump. You keep running, Karnos. You stupid a-hole. Plus, I love how he creeps around the door like a perverted door salesman. Karnos, with a K, received 18 months for his trouble.
Do you like older guys?”
Karnos, you will in prison

Karnos is 43 and he runs like a 20-year-old. There are a few interesting things about this little a-hole. He sort of glares at the decoy that brings out the chatlogs. He had better get used to running because Tyrone will get that ass in prison. Before getting that ass handed to him, our runaway predator was a telecommunications manager. I am certain he was a dick to the people under him. I'd love to hear his peer's reactions to his NBC and arrest.
After attempting to be the loser Flash, Karnos is still listed as predator and lives in CA. I am sure he just runs everywhere. He traded in his creepy predator muchtushe for a hargered beard.

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