Sunday, November 24, 2019

Gentlemen, behold, the Cybertruck...

I guess I’ve been on this planet too long because history is starting to repeat itself.  The stainless-steel look of the new truck reminds me of the DeLorean.  The Cybertruck looks like the DeLorean’s older brother.   The design is a little stupid looking, but the early hybrids looked like shit too.  The problem is it looks like the future cars we wanted 20 years ago when we were kids in the 80s.    While I don’t like the shape, I do like the stuff under the hood.  It has nearly a 500-mile battery life and that is extremely cool.   
However, Telsa had a Microsoft moment with Musk failing at a demo.  He claimed the windows were unbreakable, but he proved himself wrong 

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