Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Bagel Boss is in bad shape

I haven't been talking about the short man with big problems at all. He got on my nerves because he kept trying to milk his 15 minutes by staging other incidents. He was basically the short version of an INCEL. He was a shitty person that got a break and kept being a shitty person kind of like the Epic Beard Guy.  I am tired of hearing about him and just want the dude to go away.  I didn't want this though
Well, he had a stroke and ended up in the hospital. He can't move the left side of his body. When you live a high strung life and poor health decisions like he did, it will come back to haunt you. My father drank too much beer and ended up with a major stroke around my age. Anyway, I wanted to give you an update.

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