Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sarah Palin and her Hubby divorcing (Remember, Family Values...)

Why does he always wear that red shirt?  

I am a day late and a dollar short, but I still needed to make a post about it.
I was listening to one of the Double Toasted podcasts and they talked about Todd and Sarah's divorce. I agree that they reap what they sow. Sarah took the stance against gay marriage while her good old family values marriage was falling about. How do you feel about marriage now, Sarah. The best part is that Todd was the one seeking the divorce.
To be honest, I am surprised he dealt with her for 31 years. The other little shady thing is that they tried to keep it secret by only using their initials. People also forget that they had that stupid reality show as well. I'll say it again; Reality shows will destroy your marriage or relationships. I guess you can take that family values and shove it up your candy-ass. (Note: Sarah is merely following in her daughter's footsteps. She got a divorce last year with three children. How is that for family values?)
Say what you want about Trump, but he made a great decision by not including Sarah in his cabinet.

Crap, someone sneaked in a damn Soyboy selfie.  Damn it.  

Todd likes wearing that stupid red shirt and she always does that thumps up pose.  Why do all political people do that?  

Hover Hands!!!

Todd looks like one of those resturant managers on a side of a truck stop.  Full of regret.  

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