Thursday, October 10, 2019

John "have shex" Frantz: Write a letter, MF'er

As far as predators go, John Frantz wasn’t in my top 5.  After hearing his creepy voice in those prank calls, he’s bumped up to 5.  It is that the creepy dude that hovers around underage girls at skating rinks.   

Frantz is the asshole that went to the TCAP house with an alibi note in his car.  It is interesting because the police weren’t sure if they were going to arrest him or not.  That’s like writing a letter before robbing a bank and hoping the cops will let you go.  It makes no sense.   
So, they ended up arresting him in the end.  From, ((- 30 days local jail time followed by 30 days house arrest - 10 years registration as a sexually oriented offender - 40 hours community service - 12 months in prison for any violation of probation, which includes no drugs or alcohol, no unsupervised contact with children, completion of sex offender treatment program, and payment of all court and treatment costs (which are substantial).)) 
Unlike some of the predators, I believe is no longer on the RSO list.  So, his whereabouts are unknown.   Does he know he's a meme?

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