Friday, September 13, 2019

Zoe “Deathbringer” Quinn

I love you DC, but really?
Due to anyone bringing up her name getting DOS attacks, but I could not pass this up.  In a poor case of oversight, DC Comics has decided to do a press release about Zoe Quinn’s new comic book “Deathbringer”.  Given the discussions over suicide and if she pushed an unstable man over shit.  While I now believe her 50%, there is a lot of talking about her own words countering what she claimed.  However, DC announcing this now iin bad taste.  At least let the dust settle and let Alec get buried first.   
I don’t want her to be canceled from her DC and Marvel gigs, but it just seems odd to release a book called Deathbringer.   
What is the comic book about?   
((“A story of a hero who is done with bringing peace to a world that cannot be trusted with it; a woman whose newly awakened dark side is ready to burn it all down and forge a new destiny.”)) 
Before leaving the indie gaming scene in shambles, she left 85K backers an incomplete game kind of like her character in this new comic book.  For me, I believe she should keep her job.  Don’t try to bring her down or hashtag her career.  Let the markets make that decision.  If you don’t like her or her work, don’t buy her shit.   If Alec's family has the balls they should sue Zoe Quinn, but as far as GG and others go, just don't buy her shit.  Plain and simple.  

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