Saturday, September 14, 2019

Early Demo of Toxic

Early Demo of Toxic

This is pretty much a finished demo of Toxic for Spears and it was performed by  Cathy Dennis . I think Dennis does such a good job with the track that she probably could have released it with Dennis singing it. What I find amusing is that Britney sings it exactly like Dennis' version of the song. I am sure Spears' handlers told her to not move out of this range or to use her own voice. As people are saying in the YT comments, this version is extremely polished and just needs some real strings and further mixing for it to be a real release.
Yep, the song was written for Kylie Minogue, but she passed. She sort of regrets it now, but I can't hear that Kylie's voice.
I not done yet. Here is the leaked Britney Spears demo of Toxic. You can hear some major differeances between the release and her demo. Her range should always been in lower range and it shows she is strains in the high notes.
And, here's the finished product.

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