Saturday, September 21, 2019

Remember Britt Rutter? (Britt Rutter - Without Your Love)

Remember Britt Rutter?

Ah, 2010, what different age of the Internet. It seemed we got along better and made fun of things without it getting too political. I actually miss those times between 2005-2013. Britt Rutter popped in my mind. What happened to her?
During the Friday craze with Rebecca Black, this track became popular too. People, myself included, were looking into all the Ark Music Factory songs. Out of all the songs, this was one of the better ones. It had a lot to do with beat and the auto-tune. I reviewed Britt Rutter's track many years ago, and I was pretty kind to the song. Given the state of blandness and shitty-ness of pop music today, most of the Art Music is way a The Room way.
Basically, people paid Ark Music to write and create music videos for a you person, usually a girl. While having supportive parents that want to foster your dreams is great, I didn't agree with the Ark Music model at the time. It is almost like this
I reviewed it and I believe her mother left a comment on my review some nine years ago.
((She's 16 now, but was 15 when this video was filmed and the boy they are calling "Jason" was and still is 18 :) She really is a good singer - ARK ruined this song with autotuning, she actually sounds a lot like Shanaia Twain in real life and is really talented singer and dancer. The song was recorded in August of 2010 when she was 15 and she has grown so much as an artist. Nice to see not everyone is a hater :) Cheers! ))
Given how much info this poster revealed, it was either her mother or Britt herself. I am thinking it was her mother given the glowing remarks, sounding like a proud mother.
Looking at her twitter, she grown up a lot. And, because I don't want Chris Hasen to show up to my crib, she has grown up considerably. I don't know if she is 18 or not so I will shut my mouth. It looks like her mother beat cancer a couple years back. Having had a mother survive cancer and I living through a life threatening illness, congrats to Britt and her mother.
She looks happy today. If she ever wanted an interview, I am open to it.

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