Monday, September 23, 2019

Devin “grab em by the cat” Faraci

Faraci fascinates me.  He is a figure that was very vocal during GamerGate but turned into a part of his MeToo movement later.  For some reason, I randomly looked up old Devin podcasts from the Slash Film podcast from 2008.  The funny thing is I remember listening to these podcasts from 11 years ago.   Putting aside his shitty behavior, he was a good reporter.  As long as he wasn’t on Twitter, he seemed to do his job well.   
Listening to these late 2000s podcasts does shed some light into Devin’s mindset.  He was edgier than his SJW days of 2014-16.  While I don’t care, he makes some edgy comments about sex and actors that have died.   He even makes a gay remark in one podcast that would piss off his SJW crowd that supported him later.   
It seems like Devin wanted to be the bad boy of movie criticism between 2005-12.  During the GG time, he donned a fedora and became a white knight.  Around 2016, the white knighting got someone so bad that he was outed as being just as bad as Trump.  Instead of defending himself, he just let it happen thus giving the impression he did it.    
Just remember it only took one Tweet to take him down.  

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