Thursday, August 08, 2019

Old man: Get off my lawn or I will hammer your truck

What is with old men and their lawns?  It seems at a certain age; old men are more concerned with people walking or parking in their yards than their health.  If you remember, there was another guy that shot up a bunch of work trucks because they parked near his lawn.  What is not shown in the video is that Old Man Hammer slashed the manger’s tires before becoming MC Hammer.   
I love that the old man says, “Ready” and proceeds to hit the truck.  He then walks right into the wet concrete and tries to continue to walk through it.  You hear his sigh of regret as he walks through it.  I love how the workers just stare at him and don’t even bother helping him out.  
So, what did Old Man Hammer get for his troubles?   
From, ((The citation is for a misdemeanor based on $500 to $1,500 in damage, Jones said. Should the damage to the trucks total more than $5,000, Mailander could be charged with felony.)) 

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