Thursday, August 08, 2019

39-year-old guy slams a kid

We’ve never been more divided than now.  We have assholes like this.  This grown guy did a Tombstone finishing move on a kid that was barely a teenager.  He did because the kid didn’t take off his hat.  Uh, he is a kid, He slammed him so hard that he busted up his skull.  I’ve been going after the left a lot, but this is clearly some asshat neo-con angry and wanting to take it out on someone even if it was a 13-year-old.   
Brockway appears to be a mentally ill person with a history of threatening people.  
The craziest part is that his defense team is using the Trump defense.  Wait, what?  From, ((“His commander in chief is telling people that if they kneel, they should be fired, or if they burn a flag, they should be punished,” Jasper told the newspaper. “He certainly didn’t understand it was a crime.”)) 
Congrats, that literally means nothing.  That doesn’t mean he has the right to slam a damn child.   

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