Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Peter Bright update...

The Peter Bright update...
Despite being accused of “or soliciting sex with children online ” and his Twitter is STILL up. A feminist gets banned from Twitter for misgendering a person, but this f' head still keeps his Twitter page. WTF? Since no one is guarding the Twitter page, his page is filled with memes and comments attacking. One post has nearly 600+. The memes are epic. Also, the tech sites are still mum about one of their own being a villain. Hmm.
Side Note:  This appears to be his YouTube channel, but I could be wrong.  It is usually some random posting of VG and Firefox videos.  Odd.  I recognize that puffy face anywhere.  
All of his stories are still up at Ars Technica as if nothing has happened. Don't you at least want to put a warning in his stories? For more Lulz, check out his story about “toxic gaming communities”.
From Ars Tech, ((First, he calls on rule enforcement to be "vigilant, proactive, and swift," using both human resources and technology to ensure that gaming remains fun. This includes identifying features of games and platforms that are prone to abuse and seeking to remedy those problems quickly. He also makes a nod to diversity in these enforcement teams, writing that "wide-ranging perspectives can help us identify future safety problems and solutions." ))
Uh, I don't think diversity includes pedos, ass-wipe. I guess he was paying lip service to the more “woke” crowd with this story. There are trendy words like “safe spaces” not realizing people need a safe space away from Bright. He'll probably need a safe space in prison because other inmates hate pedos or they'll get into Bright's “safe space” in the showers.
And, it gets creepy after the fact.
((Second, he calls for development of features to make it easier for, especially, parents to control the kinds of content that their children are exposed to. Microsoft's child and teen accounts provide various parental controls, and the company has made it easier to find games suitable "for everyone," ))
Someone needs to created parental controls to block your creepy ass (allegedly). As he is writing this story, the FBI was investigating him and he trying to get a woman to hand over her kids for him to “break in”. I am NOT making this up. This is the best/worse story that no one is talking about. I swear.
BTW, doesn't Bright remind you of someone else?


Yes, the fat alien in Battlefield Earth. Thanks a lot, L, Ron.  Now, I am going to have even more nightmares about that damn movie. 

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