Friday, June 28, 2019

Looper, I actually like you, but your identity politics is showing.

Looper, I actually like you, but your identity politics is showing.  
The battle between storytelling and representation rears its ugly head again with this Looper video.  I started noticing that many of the examples on the involved gay or female characters.  It seems the writer has an agenda with this list.  Most of these deaths had impacts on not only the overall arc of the show but the characters within their universe.  Regardless of their impact on social justice or representation, if it feels organic to kill off a character, then it should be done.  I am all for representation, but the shows sometimes need to kill off characters to push the narrative forward.   
I think the Buffy death was important because it pushed another character in a different direction.  As far as the death of Zoe Barnes in House of Cards, it shows that Frank Underwood has zero redeeming qualities and shocks the viewers in an organic manner by killing off the hero from the first season.  Her death pushes other characters to do drastic things.   
Trust me, there were a few characters on Lost that show have never died.  Such as Boone or Locke.  

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