Friday, May 17, 2019

Star Trek: Picard Photo

After hearing about the ending and the position the Star Trek Discovery ended, I have no desire to watch the show.  For every step forward, that show took three steps back.  While I don’t have faith in the franchise, I am looking forward to the new Star Trek: Picard.   
Anyway, here is the first photo from the set.  I like the photo.     And, notice the uniforms.  I like them. 

From CNET, ((The 2009 Star Trek reboot movie covered the demise of the planet Romulus at the hands of an exploding star in 2387. This event could play into the new series. "Picard's life was radically altered by the dissolution of the Romulan Empire," Kurtzman told The Hollywood Reporter.)) 
Why not hire Ron Moore to run the show? 
As I said before, Picard was my captain.  I like Kirk, but Picard was the thinking man's captain.   Anyway, check out, Patrick Stewart's Twitter.  

Goldberg and Stewart:  These two have known each other for 30-plus years.  

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