Friday, May 17, 2019

Blow off some gas

I love when I piss someone off with a just few words.  It is one of the best skills I have and it brings me great pleasure. Check out this story that happened a couple of days ago.   
Near the airport, I was at Speedway gas station.  From the right of my car, a huge white pickup truck parked near the building, blocking the thru-way.  Usually, people can drive around the pumps and pass the station to leave, but the damn truck with construction workers were sitting there.  After pumping my gas, I spent time cleaning out my car and refreshing some things.   on the other pump, another person was pumped their gas into a red SUV.   
“Are you going to move out?”  the SUV dude asked in an angry voice. 
The frustration and rudeness were in his voice.  Plus, the glare was a strong indication as well   
“Yes, in a minute,” I answered dismissively.   
“You’ve been there for 15 minutes,”  he yelled at me.   
Actually, I’ve only been there for 6 minutes and I have every right to sit there because I was a paying customer.  I realized he didn’t want to pump gas at my pump but was too lazy to back his car out to move away from the station.  Plus, there was that pickup truck blocking the way beside me with workers sitting inside.   
“Yeah, calm down,” I replied back to him.   
This simple reply sent him over the edge.  He jumped in his SUV and backed out with the quickness.  He leaned in on his horn at me for a long time.  I looked glared at him and walked toward his SUV.  He sped off pissed at me.  It pleases me that I was able to ruin his day by telling him to calm down.  I love that could push buttons.  I enjoy knowing that his whole day is ruin by me saying to sentences to him.  He’ll be thinking about my ugly mug all day, probably calling me the n-word.   
I would have moved for him if he approached me in a proper manner.  For me, if a person is blocking something, I back out and go around.  When I see a crowded gas station, I drive to another one.   

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