Thursday, May 09, 2019

ProJared being Pro-Divorce: The price of double dipping (literally)

I wasn't going to cover this, but this is too juicy

Who knew a scrawny-tall guy with a big the head could get so much “tail”? What is with these Nintendo fanboys being so strange? It would appear Mr. ProJared cheated on his wife with a friend and decided to divorce her via Twitter. And, the kicker is the homewrecker that allegedly helped burn down the house sent a tweet to support him. Wow, the arrogance. This gives us all geeks hope that we can marry one woman and cheat on her with another lady.

But, it gets better. After making this tweet, he blocked his wife on Twitter. Yeah, you show em, Jared. Points go to Heidi for posting a counter-notice to Pro-Jared and setting the record. Then, it gets creepier. Heidi claims and has proven ProJared desired nudes to and from his fans. Talk about being interactive with your fans. I can promise you this, I will never send you all nudes.
And, it is sort of strange to have a long time affair with someone named Holly and your wife is named Heidi. Now, that is confusing. Does Jared accidentally call out his wife's name when banging Holly?
From Holly, ((If it’s worth anything, you all know me. I’d never hurt anyone and I only want the best and happiness for those around me. If you’ve followed me for a long time, you know that. Gonna get off twitter for a while ))
Probably the best self-advice ever. Nothing is really solved by Twitter and only makes it worse. And, it doesn't help matters when you haven't removed the video of you and Jared “finding” Pokemon. Is that what they're calling it now?
Somewhere, JonTron is laughing.
 Maybe I have lower standerds, but I think Jared's wife is very attractive and a step up from the woman he cheated on her with.  

Being blocked by your hubby isn't the worse thing, but still...

1 comment:

  1. YouTube Gamer ProJared Falsely Accused of Pedophilia by his Ex-Wife!

    American women will now falsely accuse you of being a pedophile once she decides to divorce you.

    UPDATE: Heidi, his ex-wife, admitted that she enabled and took part in Jared's pedophilia. She also filmed it. That means that Heidi has committed the crime of producing child pornography and she is going to jail for a long, long time.
