Tuesday, May 07, 2019

James Holmes (F' face with the red dyed hair) Interview

I am working on my Avengers review, but this video series popped up in my feed.  I guess the James Holmes shrink interview videos were released.  Looking at the first 4 hours, I get the picture that he is a rather pathetic person. He knew he was an awkward little skinny turd, but he took it out on people.  Other things worth noting in the first part is that the prison population hates him and calls him “baby killer”.  The guards have to keep away from the general pop.   
If you do a current news search on this f’wad, there is very little written about him and he has been forgotten for the most part considering the other mass murders.   
Basically, this guy tried to plead insanity on a not guilty thing.  He ended up getting 3K years.  So, the human race will be gone before he is released.  From the wiki page, ((On August 26, Samour formally sentenced Holmes to 12 life sentences without the possibility of parole for the murder charges, and an additional 3,318 years for the attempted murder and explosives possession charges.[7] In imposing the sentence, Samour stated for the record that it was "the intention of the court that the defendant never sets foot in free society again," and added that "the defendant deserves no sympathy."[155])) 
Due to his cruelty, I think he should have received the death penalty.   
Check out the rest of the videos in the playlist.   

And, 20 pounds later...

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