Thursday, April 11, 2019

DSP Tries It: Getting married to his GF of 18 months.

He straight up scammed his fans out of money.  Wow.  

After begging his fans for money to help out his taxes, DSP went back to CT and got married to his live-in girlfriend of only a year.  Allegedly and in my opinion, DSP’s girlfriend has some major personal demons (actual demons) and some mental issues that need to be addressed.   Not only did DSP lie to his fans and begged for money from them, but he also lied about his parents’ health to get people to pay for his marriage to his GF.   

Keep in mind he was engaged to his former GF back in April of 2017 and gets married to his new GF in 2019.  WTF?   
Nothing from this will end well for DSP.   
As for her, what is the attraction to a guy that sits on his ass all day and plays videogames and begs his fans to give him money?  This is fat and balding guy that refuses to get a real job and doesn’t leave the house.  You’re a lovely lady you can do better.   
Side note:  Instead of dealing with his marriage, he is online tweeting with trolls.  

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