Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Croissant-Corsages Yep

One of the things I fondly remember from high school was not going to my senior prom.  Given that I was an outsider and loser, I made it a point my last year there to not even try to find a date to the prom.  I rejected all the normal aspects of high school life.   Prom was for the cool kids and d-bags.  And, let's face it, I was the bronze prize if anything.  No woman would be caught dead with a band nerd that had random facts about Star Trek TNG and Superman.  

One of the things I luckily was about to avoid was picking out a stupid corsage for prom.  Yes, let’s sacrifice some poor plants for a lady that probably doesn’t and will not give two shits about you.  She wears the dying flower arrangement on her arm.  What a strange mating ritual?  Did I mention I hated high school and prom?   
Anyway, I was telling a young lady at work that we should change the prom tradition from corsages to c croissants.  She can wear a breaded idea that smells good and at the end of the night, she can eat it.  Sounds like a great deal to me.  I wanted to start a hashtag Change Corsages to Croissants.   
I did some searching and someone already beat me to the punch.  There are like-minded people out there that are presenting Croissant-Corsages to their prom dates.  Damn it! 

From Dail Mail, ((Some teenage prom-goers this season are skipping the traditional flower corsage in favor of a flaky, buttery croissant, which teen girls are wearing tied to their wrists. 
Playing off the slight similarities between the two words — and the fact that sometimes a misspelling of 'corsage' autocorrects to 'croissant' — the decorative switcharoo has picked up steam on social media in the past year.)) 
Don’t you want something buttery and tasteful to represent your love in the form of a French bread product?  I mean this is actually a thing and I thought of it as a joke.  Damn.  Maybe we can change engagement rings into onion rings?   

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