Friday, March 01, 2019

The Orville and the use of Craig Huxley's Blaster Beam

I was watching the recent episodes of Orville and I noticed they used the Blaster Beam from V’ger in the recent episode as the theme for the robotic Kaylons.  I’ve really liked the Blaster Beam instrument and its use in various scores in sci-fi.  It was used in Star Trek TMP as the sound of V’ger, and it was used in STII and III as well.  There is a certain power that the sound gives.   

They used the Blaster Beam in the first season of the Orville too.  They even brought in Craig Huxley to work his magic on his own Blaster Beam in the recording sessions.  Really cool.   

The Track above is influenced by the TMP track "The Cloud"  take a listen to both tracks.  

The Blaster Beam was used a lot in the newer Cloverfield Lane movie.  

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