Friday, March 01, 2019

Is Discovery canon?

Steve Shives’ video about canon in the Star Trek universe.  It shocked me that he started out with a sound argument but he goes off the deep end.  It seems he’s really trying to white knight for the CBS license.  Instead of defending the show on its own merits, he defends it on a culture war level.   

Shives is correct that it is within the canon, but ST Dico does ignore main timeline canon.  And, it does so even more than Star Trek Enterprise does.  Actually, by the third season of Enterprise, they really tried to tie the show back into canon more than Discovery does.  And, there is clearly some type of visual rule where they have to keep the show visually different to a certain degree.  I think this problem would be cleared up if Paramount and CBS came back to together.  I hate when legal battles hurt and limit what you can show creatively.  Case in point look at how Marvel couldn’t use the mutant characters from the universe they owned because of Fox.   

I love that The Orville is more in canon with TNG and DS9 than Discovery.   

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