Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Rogan and Pool talk to Twitter...

Since Twitter was invented, I have been a major critic of the platform.  As the platform has progressed, I’ve seen people who were content creators stop making content and merely tweeting their hearts out (Spoony and Movie Bob) I also watched people tweet out criticism of Trump while their marriage fell apart.  (Arthur Chu) It is interesting to watch the shitstorm that is KickVic and the number of bans.  And, Twitter has created content for this very blog.  I find it odd that people are more interested in getting their voice out there via a limited tweet instead of creating long-form content with deeper meanings.   
I watched the Joe Rogan interview with Tim Pool.  Pool was more interested in the mis-gender thing, but he did hit on the journo's thing a bit.  I think they’re the more protected class on Twitter than Trans-people.  People were getting suspended for tweeting Learn to Code to laid-off Journos.  Other than that, I think Pool did a good job holding the Twitter guys feet to the fire.   
As I have stated before, I am a complete stranger to the Twitter culture.  And, I have stopped using Facebook site altogether.  

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