Saturday, February 02, 2019

Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 Premiere

So, I watched my very first episode of Star Trek Discovery.  For some reason, CBS finally released the first episode of the second season on YouTube for free.  While I have never watched a full episode, I know the Discovery lore and the unstable history behind the show.   So, finally seeing the show on its own is an interesting experience. There are portions that truly feel like Star Trek, but some of it doesn't.
I actually like the episode.  Don’t get me wrong because there are some major flaws with the episode and the Disco series overall. The red angel storyline could be an interesting manner to connect the different stories together. Having an overall reaching season-long story is the right way to go, but to have standalone stories connected to the bigger story like DS9 and the third season of ST Enterprise.
The problem with this overall story is that CBS fired the show-runners mid-season. That becomes an issue. These kinds of issues will get a show canceled because there isn't a clear vision and people will stop watching if the show completely changes mid-stream.
-Michael as the lead:  It seems the show really wants us to like this Michael.  I think making her so much like a Vulcan was a wrong choice. And, her direct relationship to Spock completely messes with canon. I can see fans frustrations with the writers writing her as a character that can do no wrong. And, she has that 7 of 9 problem where the character overshadows the rest of the characters. I just want to see some traits that make me want to like her.
-Captain Pike: He's probably the best thing about this show. Anson Mount does the character justice and would have loved to have seen a show based around Pike, Spock and pre-Kirk Enterprise. He's straight forward but has a warmth to him with some jokes. His introduction to the crew makes him such a great leader.
-The movie-like appearance: It looks amazing. It feels like a movie. The camera movements and pans are breath-taking. The editing and music are truly amazing. Then, the FX is really good-looking. It seems the weak point is the writing and characters.
Would I go out and buy a CBS All Access account now?  Probably not, but I think the CBS model is flawed.  However, I can see the potential for the show improving.  The show is trying to become a Trek show and there clearly are some good moments just in this opener alone.  Given the ownership and behind the scenes battles, I think Discovery is doomed unless they really change gears and Paramount and CBS merge again.  This is a good start though.
Grade: B-

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