Sunday, February 03, 2019

Bud Light and Game of Thrones Commercial

Bud Light and Game of Thrones Commercial
One o the best crossover promotions ever. I've seen some neat crossover company ads, but this one was really clever. The way it starts out as a goofy Bud Light ad and completely turns into a promo for the final season of GOT.
From, ((While this is the first time the Mountain has appeared in a Bud Light commercial, the company has been running its GoT-like “Dilly Dilly” campaign since 2017. The campaign is supposed to be a parody of the Game of Thrones world, and has scenes of medieval characters sitting around banquets or stone jail cells enjoying bottles of Bud Light and shouting “Dilly Dilly” (a riff on “cheers”). ))
I guess the Bud Knight Campaign is a parody of GOT and this was GOT throwing shade on the parody by showing up in the real commercial and killing the parody. Very cool. So, this is an invasion from HBO into a regular Bud Light.
 I like my Bud with armor-melting fire, please.  

This Bud is for you...

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