Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Fallout of Ghostbusters III: Leslie Jones

Well, I was correct.   

From Leslie Jones’ Twitter((So insulting. Like fuck us. We dint count. It’s like something trump would do. (Trump voice)”Gonna redo ghostbusteeeeers, better with men, will be huge. Those women ain’t ghostbusteeeeers” ugh so annoying. Such a dick move. And I don’t give fuck I’m saying something!!)) 

All SJW hands on deck, we must bash the new Ghostbusters movie.  It is like every five minutes everything has to be a culture war.  Leslie, it is okay to have an opinion, but didn’t we go through this back in 2015-16?  Didn’t people attack AVGN for refusing to watch the movie?  How about a wait and see?   Fieg came out and made a statement.  While he supports Jones’ statement, he gives a sideways support statement via Twitter.  Paul, it is okay to dislike the GB 2016 movie and it is okay to like it.  I still like GB 2016 and I just re-watched the director’s cut on FX.   

Fieg’s Tweet, ((An absolute honest to God never ending supply of bullshit and hate from these trolls. Leslie spoke her truth and I support her. I am very open to Jason’s new version of GB but am also sad that our 2016 team may not get to bust again. We all are. We’re forever proud of our movie.)) 

I thought he was done making these types of movies.  He wanted to get back to making improv movies instead.  Why even mention the “bust again”?  Why even undercut a fellow director?   And, Jones should know that people are going to call her out for her statement and that’s their choice too.   Relax, people.  We don’t need to make everything a battle, especially on Twitter.  OMG, Twitter has ruined us for real.   

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