Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Chris Hansen Vs. Bad Checks (Or Good Checks)

Chris Hansen Vs. Bad Checks
I had no idea he was in bad shape money-wise. I've been down that road many times and hated it. I guess even the successful Chris Hansen has fallen on bad times.
From NBC News, ((In summer 2017, Hansen bought about $13,000 worth of promotional items, like hats, shirts and mugs from a local company, and paid for them with a check that bounced, Scanlan told NBC News. ))
He was trying to fulfill the perks for Kickstarter backers and end up bouncing some checks. Hey, at least he tried unlike a certain now blue-haired comic book writer. Chris turned himself in and we got this lovely mugshot. He looks good in his mugshot.
The good news is all the charges were dropped in the case. So, “he's free to go”.
From the Hollywood Reporter, ((The charge was dropped Wednesday after Hansen's lawyer, Philip Russell, proved to the judge that the former TV personality had paid the money owed, according to the Connecticut newspaper.  ))
I hope he makes some more of Hansen Vs. Predator vids. It is time to catch more of those creepy f's.  

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