Friday, January 18, 2019

Jar-Jar Binks talks about the backlash

Jar-Jar Binks talks about the backlash 

I will admit that I came close to suicide last year, I came very close.  I didn’t do it.  I understand what Ahmed Best went through.  The only problem I really can’t understand is that he was at the height of his career.  Why did the backlash get to him?  While the character WAS poorly written, it was his fault.  When I had those thoughts, I was at an extremely low point in my life.  I could only imagine reaching that high point in Ahmed’s career.   

Since I am more of anti-social person, people’s opinions of me don’t really matter.  I am not 100% sure what the narrative is today involving criticism.  Are we allow not to make fun of poorly written work just in case it endangers someone’s feelings?   This was probably one of the reasons Jar-Jar is barely in the last two movies.  He only has a cameo in EPIII 

Episode I had caused some major issues with the younger cast.  Natalie Portman had some issues on the set and there were rumors of her not being easy to get along.  Jake Lloyd went completely off the rails and went crazy.  

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