Thursday, January 17, 2019

Ghostbuster 3, Okay, we'll see

Ghostbuster 3
This sort of came out of nowhere, but clearly, they've been working on a script and concepts for months. While I liked the GB 2016 movie, this is probably where the franchise should have gone. You breathe new blood into the franchise by branching off the canon. Make it fresh, just make sure you do within the established universe. 2016's GB should have been set in the same universe.
I can already see the press sharpening their pitchforks and getting ready to attack this “none-woke” GB movie. Actually, it has already started. I personally don't have much faith in the new movie, but it will probably be better than the 2016 version. GB3 needs to be better than GB2, which was a major step down from the first movie.  
Let this movie fail or win on its own and not get mixed into identity politics.  My advice for the producers and director is that be open to any ghost concept.  Just like the cartoon show, be open to various types of ghosts and demons.  Make it just as scary as it is funny.  
And, don't change the GB logo into the GBIII logo in the movie like they did in the second movie.  
In-universe, having the characters wear the "two" logo makes no sense.  They would just wear the same logo as before.  And, why would you want to rebrand?   Why is the damn ghost happy in the second logo?  He's being busted.  You don't have smiling roaches on side of a bug-busting van.  
And, yes someone did do a middle finger version of the logo.

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