Friday, November 02, 2018

What is a Turd Goblin? We are Turd Goblin.

Turd Goblin: It just popped in there...
For no apparent reason, the term “Turd Goblin” popped in my head. I wondered, “Is there really a term called turd goblin?” So, I went online to discover that it is somewhat a real term. I was hoping I would be the one to coin the term “turd goblin”.
a person who always talks about poop or a term used as an insult.
stop being a turd goblin.))
Well, that makes me a turd goblin. Wait a minute...I did realize I have a bunch of poop-related stories.  A bunch. 
Anyway, there is another definition for the word, which doesn't jive with the first one.
A short fat chick that is as wide as she is tall.
That turdgoblin Jenny weighs 300lbs. but still can't go on the adult rides at the fairbecause shes not tall enough.))
There is a woman or man that has a SoundCloud account. I am not sure if the music is poop related though. Heck, there is even a guy on Instagram with the name Turd Goblin. Sadly, he doesn't have pictures of turds on his IG.  

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