Sunday, November 04, 2018

Blizzard: You done F’ed up

Blizzard:  You have done F’ed up 

Not since the XBone thing, I have never seen a major gaming studio making such a big mistake.   The Diablo presentation was a joke or at least it felt like it.  This whole thing is a cluster f’.  

And, now we have certain members of the gaming press attacking the fan outrage calling it sexist.  Do you guys take whatever position hardcore fans have and you take the opposite position?  (WTF?).  Note:  Not all of the press is attacking the fans, and are merely reporting on the news.  

Look here, I understand that you want that rich mobile market, but don’t forget your true hardcore fans (PC players).  I just love the reaction from the crowd.  Now, we have this strange YouTube controversy.  It looks like Blizzard is removing comments and the ratings have been changed.  

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