Sunday, October 14, 2018

SVU, you need to stop. Really

Remember when L&O was in its prime?  They had THREE shows on the same network at the same time.  Now, the last show is just, "Oh, is that show still on?".  
Well, how about that? I just made a post about INCELs and then I discover our (too long in the tooth) Law and Order SVU show made a damn INCEL episode. It almost makes me want to go to NBC OnDemand and watch it and laugh. I hope it is just as stupid as the GG episode.  Then, I realize I would have to sit through an entire episode of SVU.  I have better things to do like writing stupid blogs about them instead.  
I have my own issues with INCELs, but having a bunch of less attractive beta men as the true villains on the show is a joke. It reminds me when the “gamers” somehow outsmarted a bunch of trained police offices in that GG episode. I'd make fun of the episode if they made it about blue-haired feminists committing a crime. You're scraping the bottom, folks. I know my mother will be sad, but it is time to end the show.
When SVU first aired, I actually liked the show. I love that they brought over one of the main characters from Homicide, another NBC show, and had a dark tone to the stories. Homicide and SVU shared a universe together. (Actually, The Wire, L&O, and Homicide are in the same universe.)
Hey, SVU, do you know how to defeat an INCEL?
Sorry, I have a boyfriend.”
I don't see you in that way. I value our friendship.”
Give them a fake number.  
Side Note:  I would love to see a spinoff where actual SUVs solve crimes.  We can call it SVU: SUV

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