Sunday, October 14, 2018

Roseanne Barr on Rogan: Yep, she is crazy

Roseanne Barr on Rogan:  Yep, she is crazy 

I listened to the Joe Rogan Podcast with Roseanne.  She is clearly unstable and she sounds like that grandmother that has lost a few brain points over the years.  I felt for her when she talked about the head trauma when she was a child.  The problem is that the podcast gets really cringy toward the last half of the interview and even Rogan gets flustered with her nonsense.  She is feeding into the strange far right Alex Jones bullshit and is using their buzz words.   

She wasn’t going to talk about her co-stars and then proceeded to talk about her co-stars abandoning her.  Anyway, check out the cringy interview.  I have to give Joe credit for trying to keep his cool.  He tried to be fair and focus on the mental issues she has, but she kept trying to push it toward the Iran thing.  I do like that he lost it toward the end when she went off into the deep end.  

Like other people, I now believe she shouldn't have been fired, but forced to NOT tweet.  ABC and other companies need to make guidelines for content creators to stop making asses of themselves.  

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