Sunday, September 09, 2018

MundaneMatt: It is time to stop. (Matt, Nooo)

MundaneMatt:  It is time to stop.   

After revealing that he went on a mass-flagging campaign and ignoring the fallout, he has been losing thousands upon thousands of subs.  At the moment, he has lost nearly 13K subs.  Here’s the thing; He has actually lost more like 15 subs because he “gain” like 2-3K subs.  I am not going to get into the whole Twitter deletion thing going on his Twitter page.  That is a whole other post.   

Given he has a very young child and he does nothing but YouTube and Twitch, he really can't take a break.  However, he really needs to address this on his channel and take a month off and restart things or he is going keep losing subs.  This is sad really sad.  It is kind of fitting that both Zoe Quinn and Mundane Matt are currently in a lot of trouble three to four years after GG.  

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