Monday, September 10, 2018

Funny B5 Outtake

There has always been a rivalry between the B5 and the DS9 crews and writing teams. This blooper was a tip of the hat to the other show.  A lot of the B5 and Trek actors are friends and meet each other at conventions and hang out together.   

From the B5 wiki, ((Hague's death was a result of Robert Foxworth's agent accidentally double-booking him to play the similar role of Admiral Leyton on two fourth season episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine that were to be filmed at the same time.[4] ) 

What is funny is Foxworth played a similar character on DS9.  It was the two-part episode that had the military taking over the civilian government.   Foxworth’s agent pulled this shit and double booked him on both shows and there was no way he could do both shows in the same week.   

From TV Tropes, ((From the B5 wiki,  ((Real Life Writes the Plot/McLeaned: The character of General Hague was killed off because the actor had been booked for a two-parter in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine at the same time. At least one blooper delivered by Bruce McGill (who played Major Ryan) references the situation.)) 

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