Thursday, May 14, 2015

Two Women arrested for robbing a 7-11...and they are prison officers

Two Women arrested for robbing a 7-11...and they are prison officers

While I believe there is some positive stuff to come out the riots, there is a lot terrible things to come out it though, such as ghetto assholes looting stores and poking holes in fire-hoses. And, it is part of a bigger problem with the black community as a whole. However, even I have to laugh at some of the stories coming out of the riots. Such as this one.
These two women were caught stealing, what else, food out of a 7-11. Uh, how much is slim jim these days? A buck? How does this raise the awareness of police violence by stealing shitty food from a 7-11? I want to know.
From The Daily Mail, ((According to the Baltimore Sun, Richard was reportedly filmed emerging from the store in black Adidas jogging pants holding some Slim Jims, while Cobb was carrying a bag of Tostitos chips.))
Yep, this is what has happened to the black civil rights movement. Instead of marching for change, we have people stealing Slim Jims and Tostitos Chips. I hope they were worth it.
Anyway, check out these rather amusing mugshots. Good lord. 
Why are you all smiling? You lost your jobs and now are going to jail. I could have bought you some chips and Slim Jims if you wanted them so badly. 
I wonder what Martin Luther King would say? 

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