Sunday, May 17, 2015

Simpsons Couch Gag | Rick and Morty

 Rick and Morty: Simpsons Couch Gag
Okay, I talk all that shit about the Simpsons in that earlier post and then they do this clever crossover. Damn it, you proved me wrong. There is some steam still left in the show after all. There have been some amusing couch gags on the show, but I really like this one the most.
I only know of Rick and Morty from a side glance because I know Dan Harmon co-created and works on the show. This couch gag is giving promotion to another show on another network. And, that's cool, even while they kill off the family. Networks can get very personal on who they crossover with. Here's how the crossover came about.
Here's the best part, the crossover is also a Futurama crossover too! Morty goes through the time portal into the future...future New York. You can see the Planet Express fly over. So, not only did the network let another network's show crossover, they brought back a canceled show in a sideways-crossover. Very clever.
-I love how Morty keeps stepping on the remains of the Simpsons.
-Slurm Soft Drink: Yep, it makes an appearance.
-There are a whole bunch of alien appearances in the future as well.
-Rick steals shit from the Simpsons. He even steals a Krusty doll and the famous saxophone. He then freezes Ned. At the end, he has an entire bag full of stuff.
-Santa's Little Helper is licking the remains of his owners: Yuck.
-Bart seems to be the only one not completely messed up after the rebirth.   

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