Friday, December 19, 2014

Speaking of this North Karea/Sony thing...What about Dennis Rodman?

Speaking of this North Karea/Sony thing...What about Dennis Rodman? 
  Where does the clown of frown fit into this overall NK story? He's been in the background for a while now and not making an ass of himself. However, after doing some digging, it looks like Rodman did have something to say about the movie before the hacking.
From USA Today, ((“When I came back [from North Korea] they were talking about making that movie. That’s a shame. It’s such a shame,” Rodman said. “They blast me, when I’m the one who went and talked to him four times. Now all of a sudden they’re going to make a joke about the guy. Nobody’s giving them flack at all. They make a joke about it, ‘You want us to go over and kill him?’ and they say yes. That’s supposed to be funny. That’s the kind of thing that’s a Catch-22. You’ll blast me but you won’t blast this. At least I made history and that’s why you made a movie about it. You made a comedy out of it.” ))
Now, he has nothing to say about the situation. He refuses to talk about it. He always presented himself as an outspoken guy, now he clams up.  Okay, Rodman.
Also, no one is talking about the fact that Dennis Rodman pistachio commercial has disappeared. I can't find it anywhere. The ad was released back in 2013. Did the pistachio guys remove it over heat? 

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