Friday, December 19, 2014

Again, George Clooney speaks the truth (The Interview)

Again, George Clooney speaks the truth.
Clooney has this to say via Deadline, (("We should be in the position right now of going on offense with this. Stick it online. Do whatever you can to get this movie out. Not because everybody has to see the movie, but because I'm not going to be told we can't see the movie. ))
I couldn't agree more. I'd say release it online. Heck, if Sony won't even bother making money from it, just release it for free. The Internet is probably the only place to say F' it and F' you to North Korea.
(("That's the most important part. We cannot be told we can't see something by Kim Jong Un, of all f***ing people." ))
Agreed, this is a leader that put his uncle to death for defending his own property. I hope people haven't forgotten about that.  He's more of a joke than his father, but far more brutal too.  

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